FCPX特效 Prologram – Pixel Film Studios M1高科技全息投影


Product Compatible with Apple Silicon M1

This plugin requires Final Cut Pro 10.4 and Mac OS 10.13

Film Distortion Effects with Prologram in Final Cut Pro X


Professional - Film Distortion Effects for Final Cut Pro X

You’re Our Only Hope

Prologram allows editors to easily film an actor in front of a green screen, and turn them into a projected transmission from another planet in the click of a button. Simply choose the Prologram preset that best matches the green screen color and drop it on top of your clip. Prologram also works great on title sequences.


Professional - Film Distortion Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Randomized Interference

This holographic plugin even features randomized glitches and malfunctions to simulate the interference from the light years that the transmission may have traveled. With Prologram, editors can make their footage look like its being sent from a Galaxy far far away.


Professional - Film Distortion Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Add a Light Source

With easy-to-use on-screen controls, users can move and shape the light source of their holographic transmission. Editors simply have to drag the corner points and pivot point of the light source to line up with the hologram and then use the sliders in the FCPX Inspector to complete their look.


Professional - Film Distortion Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Designed for FCPX

Designed to work seamlessly with Final Cut Pro X, Prologram has built in sliders and drop down menus to help users quickly polish the look of their holographic image. With the simple and powerful controls users can alter the color, opacity and distortion of their hologram.



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