Sci-Fi Momentum – BOOM Library | An Epic Sonic Journey


4,000+ ROYALTY-FREE SOUND FX734 WAV files • 96kHz/24bit • 13.6GB

Blast through the sounds of the future with SCI-FI – MOMENTUM. Ignite your film and video projects with the dynamic sounds of unstoppable starships soaring through the vast expanse of the cosmos. SCI-FI – MOMENTUM is powered by our signature high-quality audio and design; each sound a celestial brushstroke, helping you to paint a vivid sonic tapestry of otherworldly experiences for your audience.

This sound collection contains a wide range of sonic elements, including hurtling starshipstime warps, and smaller vehicle movements. From grinding engines and hovering drones, to humming servospneumatic lifts, and power ups and downs, it captures a full spectrum of futuristic sounds. SCI-FI – MOMENTUM also incorporates a plethora of top-notch organic source recordings to ensure an unparalleled level of authenticity and fidelity rarely encountered in the sci-fi realm.


BOOM Library · SCI-FI – MOMENTUM | Construction Kit Demo

BOOM Library · SCI-FI – MOMENTUM | Designed Demo


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