FCPX特效 FCPX Toolbox Cinema Volume 2 – Pixel Film Studios

FCPX Toolbox Cinema Volume 2

Professional Cinematic Video Editing Effects & Tools for FCPX

With FCPX Toolbox: Cinema Volume 2 users are given the tools to produce and edit their next cinematic film or trailer all within Final Cut Pro X. Users can select from an arrangement of effects an tools such as an animatable chromatic aberration, color correction tools, animated letterboxes, a variety of film grain, ratings, and more all with a click of a mouse.

Not support for Apple Silicon M1

This Plugin will require Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra and FCPX 10.4.7

Professional Cinematic Video Editing Effects & Tools for FCPX

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Final Cut Pro X Effects ProDepth Brush from Pixel Film Studios

Video Editing Tools & Effects

With FCPX Toolbox: Cinema Volume 2 users are given the tools to edit their projects with easy to use cinematic tools and effects from Pixel Film Studios. Users can color correct their footage, apply a new and improved film rating, animatable chromatic aberration, motion blur, safe zones, animated letter boxes, and more all with a click of a mouse all within Final Cut Pro X.


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Final Cut Pro X Effects ProDepth Brush from Pixel Film Studios.

Essential Cinematic Tools & Effects

With FCPX Toolbox: Cinema Volume 2 users are given a variety of video editing tools along with an assortment of special effects. User can select from a variety of media animations, film ratings, blurs, motion blurs, animated custom or set ratio letterboxes, customizable film grain, watermarks and product info, safe zone indications, zebra stripe level adjuster, animatable chromatic aberration, color correction templates, wipe reveals, and more.


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.Final Cut Pro X Effects ProDepth Brush from Pixel Film Studios

Printable Templates Included

With FCPX Toolbox: Cinema Volume 2 users are given a variety of printable templates to match for helpful color correction in post. Users are provided to templates such as color checkers, middle grays, color temperature, gamma correction, and the Von Luschan scale all within Final Cut Pro X.


Pixel film studios image to separate product pages


.Final Cut Pro X Effects ProDepth Brush from Pixel Film Studios

Designed for Final Cut Pro X

FCPX Toolbox: Cinema Volume 2 was professionally designed to work seamlessly inside of Final Cut Pro X. As titles and effects, eachFCPX Toolbox: Cinema Volume 2 preset can be dragged and dropped onto media and previewed in real-time. With the published parameters found in the FCPX inspector, users have the ability to make further adjustments with just a few clicks of a mouse.



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