FCPX特效 FCPX Electric 1.1 – Pixel Film Studios | Professional Electric Visual Effect Tools For FCPX

FCPX Electric 1.1

Professional Electric Visual Effect Tools

Product Compatible with Apple Silicon M1 and Intel Processors

This plugin is not compatible with Intel Iris Pro graphics cards.

FCPX Electric has been updated to include Track Editor 2.1 making it quicker and easier to track any subject in your scene. Create custom electric special effects within a matter of seconds. With FCPX Electric users have complete control over the overall look and feel leaving room for endless possibilities. Users can position and rotate each preset within 3d space, or track their effect to an object all with a click of a mouse.


Interface Controls


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On-Screen Controls

Users have ultimate control over position, rotation, scale, color and more. With easy to use on-screen controls users can place each electrical element in the perfect position or angle with just a click of a mouse all within Final Cut Pro




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